Navigating the real estate market can be a challenge even in the best of circumstances. There are new terms to learn, house preparations to make, and an asking price to set. The last thing you want to worry about is a dishonest real estate agent. How do you know when you should walk away from an agent who wants to represent you during the home selling process? Keep an eye out for the following gimmicks when selling your home to avoid frustration.
I’m the best real estate agent in this area.
This statement may come along with boasts about how long they’ve been in the business, or how many high-profile homes they’ve sold. You may see their face posted all over town on billboards, flyers, and advertisements. Just remember that biggest doesn’t always mean best. Consider that this agent may just be the face of the group. Pay close attention to the personal attention you get. Find out who you’ll be working with during the transaction. There are legitimate times when the best in the area is well-known for a good reason, but don’t accept it at face value. Do your research.
I will be happy to buy your house if it doesn’t sell in a month.
Wow! That sounds amazing, doesn’t it? The problem is that there’s some tricky small print they want you to gloss right over on your way to sign on the dotted line. The legalese, terms, and conditions won’t catch up with you until it’s too late. What happens is you’ll be expected to list the home for less and agree to make reductions in the price. You may end up selling your property for up to 75% less than your original asking price. How is that a good deal?
Set the asking price low. I guarantee it will start a bidding war!
They will have you imagining yourself sitting at a table where offers are piling up while you are sipping a tasty beverage watching the dollar signs increase. The truth is that a bidding war is not likely to happen in most cases. In fact, setting your asking price too low may have the opposite impact and cause a huge delay in selling your property. Once you panic and decide to raise the price, it’s all downhill from there.
Flashy sales gimmicks and shiny signs don’t sell homes. In fact, the National Association of Realtors estimates that the average broker sells 4.5 homes each year. Would you visit a doctor who only saw four patients each year?
At Consumer Advantage Real Estate Services, we focus on delivering the best possible experience and outcome for sellers who put their trust in our hands. What you get is straight-talk without unrealistic promises and double talk.
Give C.A.R.E.S. a call today at 505-435-9700 to discuss selling your home. Go here to learn more about our Seller Advantage Program.